Arnold Newman
Arnold Newman, Alfred Krupp, 1963 Arnold Newman is known for his environmental portraits that capture people in their environments. In class we were show an image of Alfred Krupp, an arms dealer that is known for arming the Nazis in World War 2. Since first seeing this photo in class, it has stuck with me. The way Newman captures the pure evil of Krupp is eye catching. Without even knowing the context behind this piece, we can tell there is something off about the subject being photographed. The way Alfred has the light positioned makes Krupp appear like a Bond movie villain. After learning the context behind the subject, Krupp, being an industrialist, is seen pictured inside of a machinery warehouse. The way he has Krupp position his hands, makes Krupp appear villain like, as if he has a diabolical plan up his sleeve. In reality, he helped a force that was diabolical and caused terror and ruined the lives of mil...